The curtain is still down and the house lights are on. But things are stirring and it won’t be long now. It’s exactly ten days until the show begins. Between now and then this blog will be getting a very big design overhaul, and Elizabeth and I will be looking into getting more away from this default style and into something more customized with interactivity and video and streaming and, and, and…
So we moved out of our house on Avery Street almost one week ago and a lot has happened here on Hatfield Street since then. We hosted the Ferry Family on their victory lap with father Jack Ferry riding on shoulders after his triumphant and harrowing first place finish in the 1st annual Harrisburg Pub Golf Tournament. They are generously letting us borrow their PT Cruiser after Elizabeth was so nice to give Matt and Danielle her Honda Accord. And they were here to see Sarah into her new home in Lawrenceville. Sarah is settling in and has an interview tomorrow after pounding the pavement with resumes for a couple of days.
Ruthie and Tiger are doing great and are happy to have Sarah here as the new den mother (co-mommy once Barb moves in from Alaska in September). They have a suspicion that something is going on, but they are rolling with it and enjoying marking new territory in Larryville.
We’ve done some work on the house like fixing a clogged drain. I bet you didn’t know that one of the most important steps in fixing a clogged drain is to first flood the floor below you with water that pours out of the hallway light fixture (but it is). Anyway, that all worked out great in the end and we’ve dried things out. We got a new pantry shelf today for the kitchen and I fixed the front door hinge. All we have left is to do a little waterproofing of a few areas on the back of the house.